So Easy to Apply Eco-Wraps!
Bouquet Application
Soak Eco-Wrap in water/solution for 15 seconds, cut stems flush. - Gently squeeze off dripping water, leave very wet. With pointed corner facing you, bundle stems and place in the middle of Wrap. - Bring corner of Wrap over stems making certain stems are in contact with the Wrap. - Swaddle tightly sides of Wrap around stems. - Cover swaddled stems with waterproof bag or film. - Secure top of bag/film with rubber band/twine above the Eco-Wrap.
If bottom of stems are not in contact the Wrap, stems will lose hydration and close.
Susan McLeary, Tobey Nelson Events
Photos, Heather Saunders
Large Scale Installation
Start with a sturdy structure and hearty greens. - Secure chicken wire to structure with re-useable zip ties. - Thread greens through the chicken wire. Make small bouquets hydrated with Eco-Wraps. - Insert the bouquets through the cut chicken wire. - Camouflage base of white Eco-Wrap with greens.

Lisa Waud Design, Detroit Flower House
Photo, Heather Saunders

Susan McLeary, Tobey Nelson Events
Photos, Heather Saunders

Floret Flower Workshop
Photo, Chris Benzakein

Joseph Massie Design, Tobey Nelson Events
Photo, Heather Saunders
Cut chicken wire large enough to mold into a cushion-like form, securely sitting above the opening. Tape in the chicken wire.
Make small bouquets hydrated with Eco-Wraps and insert through the chicken wire.

Flower Duet

Flower Duet